What is Hypospadias?

Hypospadias is a very common pediatric disease, the incidence is 1 of every 300 male newborns. It is defined as an anomaly involving the tip of the urethra (male urine conduit). It could be composed of three main malformations, abnormal ventral opening of the urehtral meatus, abnomal curvature of the penis and abnormal foreskin distribution.

Hypospadias Repair Surgery

We have the experience of being trained on one of the Top World Center of hypospadia repair in Europe (The Sava Perovic Foundation), that initially was lead by Proff. Sava Perovic and now by Dr. Rados Djinovic (top world urogenital surgeon).
The ideal age to perform this surgery is around the 18 months, but recently it has been proved that doing the surgery after this age hasn’t any bad outcome for the child.

Hypospodias Mexico
Most of the time is usually only one surgery needed but in very complex cases with proximal hypospadias it may be necessary to do it in two stages. Dr Javier will let you know this in advance in case he think it’s going to be your case. Complications are very rare and easy to manage them.

Many variations of the current techniques are used to correct in the proper an looking for the perfect way. It’s our mission to treat every patient like our family.
After the surgery the child and the parents stay at the hospital during one or two nights, and after that they are discharge to stay for 10-14 days in an apartment to continue the evaluation in ambulatory basis.

Failed Hypospadias (Adults and Child) Repair?

It is very common to us to see patients that have been previously operated by pediatric surgeons, general urologists and plastic surgeons with functional and aesthetics problems. Many of these patients had been through more than just one surgery (the most we had seen is 15 previous surgeries).
Our center could provide a big opportunity to correct all this functional and aesthetics problems. We focus not only in the urination way of the patient, we also correct the aesthetic result because nowadays it is as important as the functional results.
We truely belive that is never too late to get your hypospadias repaired even if it is only aesthethic the problem we can do it much better, your age is not a problem for us.

Call us or send us a message if you have any doubts, we are sure that we can help you